About Me
Dr. Philip G. King is a semi-retired Professor of Economics at San Francisco State University, where he was Department Chair from 2002-2005. Dr. King also served as chair of the SF State Foundation’s Finance and Investment committee and implemented their divestment from fossil fuel stocks.
Dr. King has also consulted as an economist with numerous State, local and federal agencies, completed dozens of economic studies, and published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals.
For the past ten years, Dr. King has focused on increasing the resilience of local communities to climate change, in particular adapting to sea level rise.

Dr.King brings over 30 years experience
Involved in some of earliest studies of the economic costs of Seal Level Rise in California
Conducted numerous studies on the economic value of beaches
Provided expert legal testimony in over 40 cases
Providing Economic Analysis for numerous Local Coastal Programs
"Unequal Access" for Airbnb
Working with State Lands Commission on AB 691 (Sea Level Rise)
Creating a Beach Sustainability Assessment tool to help policy makers adapt to coastal erosion and sea level rise (with Kiki Patsch at CSU Channel Islands)
Examining the Ecological Impacts of Beach Nourishment (with Karen Martin)